Sunday, April 20, 2008

Top Chef 4.5-6

So personalities are really starting to shine through. And Spike is most definitely a butthole. Dale is still a sour personality. So is Lisa.

In fact, there are not too many cool personalities in this set. Stephanie seems the most likeable, we've definitely seen her talent shine, so I'll probably root for her.

The weak chefs are definitely shining through too. Nicky really needs to go, though I wasn't too upset by Ryan's PYKAGing. Apparently some women thought he was looker.meh.

And Dale's crotch grabbing was definitely declasse. I don't care what a party pooper Lisa was -- that's just not called for.

So this week's challenge was a lot of fun. I'm glad they got away from the team challenges for a change. Stephanie's looked yummy. So did (shudder) Dale's. And Richard's -- pate melt. mmm.

S was all about the Gayle Sayers and Refridgerator Perry sightings. I just vaguely remember Gayle Sayers as a character from Brian's Song (we had to learn in band on the piccolo).

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Project Runway news -- Oh, Dear

Hmmm. Project Runway may be moving to Lifetime Channel. What's up with that?
Sounds like a horrible idea to me. I associate Lifetime with victim-of-the-week movies. As some of the bloggers put it, are they going to swap out Heidi Klum for Blanche du Bois? Some bloggers are already noting that Nina Garcia and Michael Kors might not be returning.

Top Chef 4.3-4.4

I haven't felt like live blogging. Sometimes you just want to savor something instead of having to think at the same time. Plus my live blogs just don't feel very witty or well written.

At any rate, I'm crushed that Memo had to leave last week. I was rooting for him because he was an interesting character in Bill Buford's memoir, Heat. Now I must get that book back from the sister so I can re-read those parts. I vaguely remember him being patient and helpful to Bill. He seemed the most "grown-up" of the people on this round, so that's probably why he was cut so quickly. Certainly it should have been Spike. But Manuel set an example of how classy a departure can be.

The talent pool must be strong this year. Richard Roeper commented that the judges seemed a bit nit-picky. Well, if all the food is good, then you have to be! and that must be a good position for the judges to be in. I loved the concept for this challenge and thought there was so much more the chefs could have done with it. Guess that's what happens when you're in panic mode.

I'm losing interest in Zoi. What a sore loser. Richard has been pretty classy and helpful to people, so what's with the cheap shots about that dish. Other cheftestants, iirc, have done wasabi and white chocolat before. OTOH, Andrew is also working on my last nerve. The insult on Dale, who --hello! -- just won the quickfire. then that oompaloompa thing. Thank goodness cooler heads prevailed. and then tapioca, balsamic caviar again? aren't you guys getting a bit one note?

Re the epi before that: all I can say is -- have none of these people ever heard of potato salad?


I've been working crazy hours and trying to get gym time in, so haven't really felt like blogging. We also just finished our kitchen, so it took a while to set it up. Then my friend J came to town on her way to London and Paris, so the weekend got sucked up with that. When the big conference is over this year, I'm going to c-h-i-l-l.