Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Top Chef All-Stars

Finally blogging!
I keep having to get up at ungodly hours so keep watching TC All-Stars at off hours. Have to admit, though, that I love, love, love this season.

The concepts for the competitions over all have been a lot of fun, even if Jennifer C went home early. Carla won for nut stew and got to go to Italy. Hootie-hoo!

This ep is typical. Having them compete against Tom Colicchio's time and his time being 8.37 minutes was a major hoot. I'm sure he practiced a few times and had his recipe planned to a T, but it was still fun.

Dim Sum! My first introduction to dim sum was in San Francisco, of course. I was overwhelmed both times about the carts whizzing by with overwhelming selections (and lack of language skills). You just point and hope you made the right selection. This would be very challenging.

Wonder what sis J is thinking about the grocery shopping scene since she spends a lot of time now in Chinese grocery stores in Arlington, Va.. which has an enormous Asian population. My couple of times with her in the Chinese stores was rather overwhelming.

Love how these chefs were doing prissy presentations when people were famished. Lots of impatient looking folks. Definitely dim sum is not about presentation.  The subtitles are hilarious. Wonder if they're accurate.

Worried about Carla and Casey. Rooting for Jamie to go.

Dale really? I was guessing (or cheering) Tiffany.

Pleeeeaaaassssee don't send Carla home. I'd feel sorry for Casey except she said use a wok instead of deep fry. sounds like deep fry would have been the right way to go. Ja-mie, Ja-mie, Ja-mie. She just hasn't been in the game.

Rats. I'd rather see Jamie go home.

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