It was obvious Daniel and Blayne were getting the loser edit so I was a bit surprised when Kelli was tossed. I thought either of them should have gone first, quite frankly. Probably Blayne because he was the leader.
And once more disagreed with the judges on the winner. I think this was a Brooke Shields' call. I preferred Jerrell's and (shudder) Stella's. Maybe this will inspire Stella to break out of her rock n roll mode. Sherri Osbourne, really?
The other outfit was soooo 80s. I think that Shannone has a lot to do with who is the winner because she really knows how to work an outfit. If I were the other designers, I would so be trying to steal her.
Guess Jerrell's was kind of 80s too. 80s seem to be back. Better than the 70s phase.
Edited to add:
Watched it again so random notes.
- Jerrell was a sweetheart to Stella when she was chosen last. He went up in my estimation.
- Korto rocked when she gave Joe hades for not speaking up sooner. She was so right -- she has immunity so Joe would lose if he played passive aggressive games.
- Terri's riff about Suede was obscene but hilarious. And Suede acted almost normal. Only referred to Suede once.
- Stella's expression when Brooke pointed out that a corset wouldn't work in an office was priceless. Total incomprehension.
- Kelli's outfit was really ugly and "slutty, slutty, slutty," but Daniel is a whiny loser when he only worked half-assed on it. Way to undermine, bucko.
- Is Kenley evil or just la-la? Did she deliberately try to undermine Keith with that hideous print that looked like a wicker couch pattern? (Keith showed some iron in rejecting it. Tim probably helped) The darlinks at Project Rungay were spot on that she should be glad to get paired up with the polite Mormon boy. As they put it, Korto or Terri wouldn't put up with her crap -- she would be a smear on the floor with a flower in the middle. Did she try to undermine Daniel by bursting out in laughter when he went into his tiresome high-end spiel on the runway? Kenley claims that the situation just struck her as funny -- Daniel sweating and Michael Kors' facial expressions. uh huh.
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