Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fave moments of this PR episode

Tim's ability to control his temper in the face of Kenley's stubbornness.

The smirks exchanged between Korto and Jerrell over Kenley's confidence in her "hiphop" look.

Overall, Korto's sassiness in this episode. She had been so serious all season long. So to see her break into a tuneless song while attempting a line dance in her cowboy boots was hilarious. Her ironic smile when she found out that not only was she designing menwear and it was punk but was wearing country was great. 

Learning that Suede was a classically trained cellist. Who knew?

Tim's spontaneous burst of laughter when he saw the designers' looks. 

Jerrell's insincere uh-huh, suuuuure it looks great Kenley.

Country fried Korto working the runway.

LL Cool J trying not to break into a laugh when Leanne comes down the runway in K's execrable look.

"Everybody's was hard, Kenley," from Mama Ninagarcia. "Don't make mom jeans," said LL.

Rewatching this, I thought Suede was robbed. Kenley really should have gone home last night. I noticed Leanne's zipper hanging out, the jeans were so tight.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lakeshore Drive run

Big run last week was in Chicago and that's one of the big pluses about the Second City. It has a terrific trail along Lake Michigan. I ran from the hotel near Michigan Avenue to the Navy Pier. Tried to do a lap around the pier, but the city had construction blocking part of it. Oh well. On south to the Shedd Aquarium and then the payoff. The sunrise was spectacular and I ran along the seawall at Shedd and Adler. As I turned around to head back, there was the Chicago skyline laid out in front of me in all its architectural glory. There aren't many manmade sights that are better.

I tried to find a sunrise skyline picture to link to. Unfortunately the few out there are on professional sites. So here's a wiki link. It doesn't show the sunrise. If you're a runner, it's worth the 6 a.m. wakeup. I got there about 7, so you can even sleep in a little if you're not too far away -- or a much faster runner (not hard to beat me). Don't waste your time at the pier!

Project Runway 5.10 Veronica

Well, probably will wait til tomorrow to post because first I couldn't get the wireless to work and then I was having problems with my mousepad clicking. urgh. Guess on Macs, stick to Safari.

I'm very nervous for Korto because she seems to be having some struggles. If Kenley or Suede goes, it'll be seeya time. But Korto (especially after sneaking a peek at her Bryant Park show) totally deserves to be in the final 3.

I have hopes that Kenley is gone because she's disregarding Tim and the two people who know hip hop are rolling their eyes so much, they might fall out. Talk about uber defensive. Look up the word defensive in the dictionary and Kenley's picture will be staring at you. So Tim finally chews out Kenley. She deserves every minute of it. He's trying to help you, my darlin. It's called constructive criticism. If you want to get anywhere in life, grow a skin.

ooo. Jerrell is being mean by lying thru his teeth about Kenley's outfit. I know nothing about hip hop but would say her outfit looks nothing like it.  Had to get her print in. Graffitti print my butt. No, Kenley, that was a Key West print.

Ack. Kenley is so disrespectful. Don't roll your eyes at Nina, missy! IT's one thing to snipe at Tim, it's a whole 'nother to gripe at the judge. And bitching about Leanne not working the runway. That's not exactly her personality. And by the way Kenley, you clomped like a pony yourself.

Oh dear, now I'm worried about Leanne. Another one who was spectacular at the fashion show. In fact, I would say that Korto and Leanne put on the best shows at Bryant Park in PR history, with the possible exception of Season 1. 

Oh, they gave Kenley pity marks for having to do hip hop. Poor baby. If it's not her, it better be Suede. (who knew he was a classically trained musician?)

Korto wins!!!!!! Yay!

shoo. Leanne is in.

Gawd, they let the spoiled girl back in. But really Suede is a more mediocre designer and the third person voice is annoying. Kenley does have talent, if a limited viewpoint. I'm sick of the 50s already. Just go design for Mad Men.

Hmm. Everyone is in tears. I reallly hate Kenley! augh.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Helicopter Moms -- Can you hear the whap of blades?

Hmm, a mother and daughter challenge, mothers hovering over their offspring. Since I'm off to Chicago tomorrow, will not have an extra day to absorb the eppy. So liveblogging it is.

One of the moms is a ringer for Harvey Fierstein, at least her voice is. I heard it before I saw it and thought maybe it was a helicopter dad. You can tell who really is the helicopter mom when the designers meeting the duos. And it was striking how many of the girls looked almost like clones of their meres. I didn't think they looked all that young as the designers were exclaiming, unlike the high school girls last season.

Oh no, oh no, oh no...Leanne cannot go home. She is the most talented designer outside of Korto. I will hate Project Runway forevah if she is and Suede and Kenley move on. Shwhoo, the girl likes it now.

Joe is now getting the loser edit. A) He's not listening to Tim. B) He's missing his family.

Kenley makes Terri look angelic. What a b-word. Though she's probably right about Suede. Karma will be hades when she finds out Tim is one of the final judges! Hah!

The brief glimpses I saw -- liked Korto's. Didn't see much of Leanne's new outfit. Joe's looks like Diane Keaton in the 80s. I just don't get Jerrel's aesthetic. Kenley's is quintessential Kenley's. Suede's is...ugh.

Joe-- ick, ick, ick. It did not flatter her at all.

Leanne -- it looked not great but not horrible. Her girl was stiff as a board.

Jerrell -- It looked much better in motion than it did back in the workroom. What is his deal with shiny copper tops?

Korto -- The skirt was a little too short. The blazer is awesome.

Kenley -- Hate the belt. The rest is quintessential Kenley. Not my style.

Suede -- the girl digs it. I don't.

Oh Lord. They love Kenley's outfit. Heidi calls the girl a mini-me. hee. I think there was a hidden insult in there somewhere from Frau Seal. OK Joe's outfit was ugly but how unprofessional is Kenley laughing away at him?

Nina is icy cold to Suede. Suede, your blue hair must be feeling positively glacial now.

Dear lord, if Kenley wins, her ego will be out of control. It will flood the work room and the other designers will be crowded into a tiny corner. Tim might have to use a knitting needle to pop it and rescue them.

And I'm betting Joe goes home, and Suede will stay in by the skin of his third person teeth.

Oh, thank Eru that Jerrell won.

Yep, Joe is goner.

Oh, looking forward to next week. Veronikenley gets her comeuppance!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Book Club

My book club is an interesting collection of people with quirky taste in literature. The woman hosting this month has turned us on to some different types of work. First was House of the Scorpions, which was an interesting YA novel about clones grown and harvested for organs. The next was "Truck: a Love Story," by a humor writer living in backwoods Wisconsin, working as a paramedic and restoring one of those International Harvester trucks. She's a librarian by profession, so knows about books others might miss.

This time she had us read The Book Thief, another YA novel. I kept forgetting to buy it and finally got it a week before the club, only to discover to my dismay that it was 500+ pp. I wasn't keen on the subject -- a little girl growing up in WWII Germany. I mean how many books about WWII can one read? But this was pretty amazing. Oh the writing, and the characters and the vivid images therein. One character has lemon hair and another eyes the color of the swamp.

I haven't quite finished it because I'm dreading the end. More traumatic than the bombing of Dresden in Slaughterhouse Five, I just know.

Just Do It

So I thought I was lucky to do 9.5 miles this weekend and it turns out I did 10.5. Whoot. I was going to gripe about my mental block about getting to 10 until I tracked my route on google maps. Did I mention I love google maps?

Of course I was soaked to the skin by the time I got home. Took a little runner's trots break at FDR Memorial and oooh, the expression on the faces of the two women tourists chit-chatting as I came out of the stall and washed my hands. Damp hair sticking out everywhere, bright red face and wet clothes and shiny bare arms, plus the clutsy fuel bank and mismatching shirt and shorts. They looked like, OK back away slowly from the crazy person.

Went the lazy route up Louisiana Ave instead of trying the uphill Capitol route. Doing 10 miles was enough this time.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Capitol Hill -- I rule

Not only did I do a seven mile run this morning, (Hi Abe, how ya doing?) but I made it up Capitol Hill, past the oak tree, past the trailer, past the security guards! I did not stop running until I got home. w00t.

Now for 10 miles on Saturday.

Judges on crack Part II

Whole lot of ugly emerged from this episode. Not just the outfits but the attitude. The designers this season have a whole lot of 'tude and not much talent to back it up.

Of course, the person who had been my fave before went crashing off her pedestal. Oh, Terri, how could you? Yeah, I know it must be frustrating to knock out great outfit after great outfit and have the judges ignore you, but no reason to be bitter.

Yes, Keith is a load. I mean, "be gentle, I'm still fragile." Oh please, get over yourself, Keith. What a perfect nightmare blend of insecurity and ego.

But nonetheless, there was no reason not to put him to work. He has better taste in prints than Kenley after all. (Welcome to the jungle, anyone?)

So Terri showed her ugly. I still think the judges should have kept her. Yeah, she showed bad attitude, but not much worse than Kenley's. Kenley's ego was bigger than those ludicrous balloon sleeves. In fact someone need to pop that hot air of hers. What disrespect to Heidi at the party about boobs. Heidi? Hello? Does Victoria's Secret mean anything to you Kenley? If anyone can talk about location of boobies, it's Miz Seal.

She also mixed it with MK and ninagarcia -- not a wise move. Only Santino has done that, and Kenley, darling, you're no Santino.

I thought Suede's looked cheaper than Terri's. The shiny satin pants ill-fitting at the crotch and tight fitting at the ankles. Shades of Rod Stewart and MC Hammer on opposite ends of the 80s gives me flashbacks not in a good way.

The perfect team appeared to be Stelluh and Tanilicious. And what a hideous monstrous disaster they sent down the runway. Granny panties, indeed. As annoying as the -licious stuff was, Blayne was rather sweet. He didn't seem very malicious and when he wasn't trying too hard to be a "personality" he was cute. But he needed to go.

OTOH, the winner. I adore Miss J, but come on. He seems to love gold metallic tops.

Joe's, I hate to admit, had a pretty fabulous look, probably courtesy of Daniel. It looked rather Minoan, appropriate for a horoscope. Leanne's was near perfect avant garde. But could they really give it to her a third time. Something about Korto: she's one of the few designers to think about how it looks in the back as well as front.

Miss J is quite the salesman, so maybe he convinced some drunk former contestants.

But I'm bummed that Suede is showing at Bryant Park tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hains Point -- No more Awakening

On Sunday, I went for a 9+ mile run. I made 8 miles without stopping! Tried to do 10 but just ran out juice despite the Gatorade and the nasty Power goop.

But I chose to run the length of Hains Point for the first time since the Marine Corps Marathon going on three years ago. The Awakening is gone. It was the perfect sculpture for the location, a large green swath facing a wide portion of the Potomac. Some so-and-so moved it to his fancy new hotel complex in Prince freaking George County. Now the point looks...well...boring and empty. Reviews I've seen say the Awakening doesn't look quite right in the midst of that artificial complex.

Maybe some other eccentric millionaire will donate a bizzarely appropriate sculpture to replace it and stipulate that the NPS cannot sell this time.

A girl can dream as she shuffles around the point.

Edited to add: I knew the Awakening was gone. It's just the first time I'd seen the point since it moved to its new home.

Project 5.9

Well I'm going to have process this. I am torn between joy at one ouster and slack-jawed disbelief at the other. WTF?!

Will blog about the show after I watch a second time.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Project Runway 5-8 -- Meow

The claws really come out this episode. Terri is getting really hit. She'd need a dose of antibiotics, some Neosporin and bandaids if they were real cats. Yes, she does a lot of pants. but others do a lot of skirts. As long as the looks differ on the runway...

To answer Blayne, hello, generation gap. I don't care what Mary Kate Olson ever does. She does, however, need to eat a sandwich.

Kenley, the original Mean Girl, is showing a softer side, crying over getting to work with Diane. And I noticed she helped Stella with her fabrics. For all her tough persona, Stella always needs help. I noticed as designers are jumping and knocking fabrics off the shelf, there was a stepladder right behind them.

Loved Stella's comments about Rachel Zoe. About sums it up. Joe is joining the Mean Girls club. He can't talk about queens anymore. That was two-faced -- oh, it looks nice to the face, gagging motions to the back.

Leanne's spy routine was silly but cute.

Joe's design, ick ick ick.

Leanne: Goooorge. us.

Terri: OK. not super.

Korto: Looks great. Very DVF with that pattern. The yellow is lovely.

Blayne: In your dreams, Bucko.

Jerrell: Not pretty.

Stella: The usual vest. The cape is silly. The pants seem ok.

Kenley: Not feeling the dress. It's more shanghai than Joe's though.

Dracula, oh, Stella. And Michael gets to trot out the insane crotch observation.

And he gets to trot out the dressed in the dark gibe to Suede. Favorite bon mots of Michael!

Leanne's dress gorgeous so she deserved the win. I hate to admit it, but I thought Joe should have been aufed. His outfit was gag-worthy. One thing about Stella, she was a vivid personality and true to herself.

Tim, shame on you for the eye roll after giving her a nice bye-bye. I think that's a clash of perspectives.